Introducing the CSS coding style guide
January 11, 2016
on18F is releasing our CSS coding style guide, which specifies our best practices and rules for writing consistent, maintainable CSS code.
18F's New Year's resolution: Be even more open
January 7, 2016
onWe've been thinking a lot lately about our role within the open source community, and it's our 2016 resolution to increase the number of non-employee contributors to our projects, including: contributors with little previous experience with open source, and contributors to documentation, bug filing, and other non-coding work.
Announcing the 18F Micro-purchase Platform
January 7, 2016
onIn October 2015, 18F launched an experiment in micro-purchasing. Given both vendor and government interest in continuing this task, 18F is happy to announce the launch of a new platform for posting and bidding on micro-purchase tasks.
Tips for adapting analytics.usa.gov from Tennessee, Boulder, and Philadelphia
January 6, 2016
onThe city of Philadelphia, the city of Boulder, and the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation have all adapted analytics.usa.gov for their own use. We recently talked to them about how they adapted the platform and what advice they’d have for others who'd like to do the same.
Turning learning up to 11: Knowledge sharing
January 5, 2016
onThe internal knowledge-sharing initiatives we’re working on are also of immediate benefit to other organizations, and will maximize our impact on government IT beyond product delivery.
18F Blog
Delivering civic technology
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