18F’s best practices for making distributed teams work
October 15, 2015
on18F employees live all over the country, which means it's normal for the members of a project team to be spread across multiple cities. Because our teams are distributed, we've developed certain strategies for working well as a collaborative operation.
Where we were for the National Day of Civic Hacking
June 11, 2015
onLast weekend, thousands of civic hackers from across the country came together for the National Day of Civic Hacking to better their communities. We love this kind of stuff, and couldn't help but get involved.
Sunshine week: extractive industries transparency initiative event
March 18, 2015
onToday, 18F joins the Departments of the Interior and State at General Assembly DC to and the progress we made together in shedding light on public data. The event starts at noon and if you can’t attend, follow on Twitter where 18F teammate Nick Bristow will be live tweeting the event.
Taking control of our website with Jekyll and webhooks
November 17, 2014
onHow we moved our website to Jekyll, left Tumblr behind, and set up automatic deployment with webhooks.
User-centered design at 18F: a design studio for natural resource revenues
September 25, 2014
onWe recently kicked off a new project with the Department of the Interior’s Office of Natural Resources Revenue (ONRR). Three weeks into the project, we decided to hold a design studio to solve the problem of how to convey complex revenue data. We needed to better understand the difference between onshore revenue (revenue from natural resources extracted from land) and offshore revenue (revenue from resources extracted from Federal offshore or the U.S. outer continental shelf) as it relates to our system. What is a design studio, you ask...
The encasement strategy: on legacy systems and the importance of APIs
September 8, 2014
onIn 1986 a nuclear reactor known as Chernobyl released harmful radioactivity which spread over much of the western USSR and Europe. The core of this reactor remains a glowing, ineradicable mass of deadly radioactive lava in the middle of a large Exclusion Zone unfit for human habitation.
Uncle Sam wants YOU to be a hero hacker
March 27, 2014
onThe Presidential Innovation Fellows program is now accepting applications from creative, energetic policy hackers, entrepreneurs, user experience experts, designers, front-end developers, back-end developers, system architecture wizards, data wranglers, and more to serve their tours of duty to radically improve the delivery of government digital services.