Micro-purchase’s design philosophy: Do one thing well
August 25, 2016
onRather than wait for knowledge to naturally diffuse through team changes, we try to kick-start the process through shared interest groups, tech talks, and documents highlighting some of the more interesting design decisions our developers make. Today, we'll focus on some of the core architectural philosophiesbehind the Micro-purchase project.
The role of bot-bidding in Micro-purchase auctions
August 9, 2016
onThe 18F Micro-purchase team recently introduced the ability to bid on an auction via API. This feature is part of our long-standing commitment to experiment and iterate towards the easiest bidding process for vendors. Like everything in the platform, we treated this feature as an experiment to learn how it would affect bidding behavior and the final price of auctions. Here’s what we learned.
How and why we built the micro-purchase bidding platform
February 19, 2016
onThis past December, 18F launched a micro-purchase platform to enable vendors to place bids on opportunities to deliver open source code that costs $3,500 or less. This is a look at how and why we built this platform.
In case you missed it: #a11yhack, an accessibility hackathon
April 7, 2015
onImproving accessibility and 508 awareness is one of 18F’s ongoing goals. In support of this goal, we recently hosted a11yhack, a website accessibility hackathon.
How to protosketch
March 13, 2015
onIf you are a leading a project, ask for a protosketch. If you are a developer, learn to protosketch. Create imagination-sparking moments, in the meeting.
Sketching with code: protosketching
January 6, 2015
onMeetings are boring. Prototypes are cool. Use the meeting to build the prototype. We call building a prototype in three hours or less "protosketching."
Hot off the press: 18F's API standards
July 15, 2014
onWe recently released the first version of our API Standards — a set of recommendations and guidelines for API production. It is our intention that every 18F API meet these standards, to help us ensure a baseline quality and consistency across all APIs we offer now and in the future.